
Chapter 4: FaxFinder Server Software Screens
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF110 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 43
Current Status Screen Field Definitions (cont’d)
Field Name Values Description
POTS Modem fields group
Connect Time mm/dd/yyyy,
For the current fax, the date and time at which
the connection began.
Phone Number numeric For outbound faxes, this is the fax number of the
remote fax recipient.
For inbound faxes, this is the number that the
remote fax sender dialed when sending the fax.
Page numeric For the current fax, this indicates the page
number currently being received. “0” indicates
that no fax is currently being sent or received.
Width numeric,
in pixels
Width of received fax.
Elapsed Time numeric The duration of the current fax transmission in
Name alphanumeric Name of person to whom the incoming fax will be
Vertical Resolution standard, fine Horizontal resolution is 204 bpi. Vertical
resolution can be either 98 bpi (standard) or 196
bpi (fine).
Length letter, legal, or
Length, in paper size, of the received fax.
Remote ID numeric (phone
number) or
The fax number or other identifier for the off-
premises fax machine (sender or receiver)
involved with this fax transmission.
Initialize Modem (button) -- Initializes the POTS modem, clearing a busied-
out state. This can only be done by a user with
administrative rights.
Make Busy (button) -- Imposes a busied state on the POTS modem.
This can only be done by a user with
administrative rights.
Logout Option
When you click on Logout in the FaxFinder Home screen, you will be logged out of the FaxFinder Server
software. The Login screen will appear to allow access to re-enter the program.
Help Screen
Online Help has not yet been implemented.