Chapter 4: FaxFinder Server Software Screens
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FF110 FaxFinder Fax Server Admin User Guide 52
Modem Configuration Screen – POTS Modem
“Modem Configuration: POTS Modem” Screen Field Definitions
Field Name Values Description
Answer On number of rings This setting determines the number of rings after
which an incoming fax call to the POTS modem
will be answered. Default = 2.
Max Baud Rate 2400 – 33,600 bps The value in this field determines the maximum
baud rate used for fax calls on the POTS
modem. It is typically set at less than 33,600 bps
only if there are quality problems with the phone
Tone Dial on, off Set this field to “on” if your POTS line supports
tone (DTMF) dialing. Set this field to “off” if the
POTS line supports rotary dialing only.
Default = on.
Dial Prefix Numeric string,
5 characters, max.
Use of a comma is
optional. The
comma denotes a
brief delay to
establish dial tone
for an outside line.
When the FaxFinder is used on a phone line in a
PBX or key system, this is the digit that must be
dialed to access an outside line (that is, a line on
the PSTN rather than extensions of the PBX or
key telephone system). The digit “9” is most
frequently used.
If “9” is specified in this field, clients will not need
to include the “9” in the individual entries in their
address books or when ‘Adding Recipients’ in the
FaxFinder Send Fax screen.
The FaxFinder administrator must inform clients
as to whether they must include or omit the “9”
when entering fax numbers.