2-18 Scanning
Scan Path Notification
You can receive an e-mail regarding the location that the scanned document was saved to.
Document Category
You can add a category name (document category) to the scanned document. Setting a
document category enables you to filter the documents displayed in the list of documents
saved in a box, and enables you to search for documents via their category.
Hold Time
You can set the storage period (hold time) for documents saved in a box.
You can enter comments for documents saved in a box.
Using ScanTag
The ScanTag feature allows you to enter and send a metadata tag automatically to a
network computer.
Stamp (Option for MFX-2570)
You can stamp a document that has been scanned using the ADF and check it has been
You can use application software that supports TWAIN devices to use this product as a
scanner. The scanned documents are stored in a TWAIN box, and then imported by the
application software.