National Instruments 7340 PCI Switch User Manual

Appendix A Specifications
© National Instruments Corporation A-5 NI 7340 User Manual
Analog inputs
Number of inputs ............................8, multiplexed, single ended
Number for user signals........... 4
Number for system diagnostics... 4
Voltage range (programmable)....... ±10 V, ±5 V, 0–10 V, 0–5 V
Input coupling.................................DC
Input resistance ............................... 10 k min
Resolution....................................... 12 bits, no missing codes
Monotonic....................................... Guaranteed
Multiplexor scan rate ......................25 µs/enabled channel
Analog outputs
Number of outputs ..........................4, single ended
Output coupling ..............................DC
Voltage range..................................±10 V
Output current.................................±5 mA
Resolution....................................... 16 bits, no missing codes
Monotonic....................................... Guaranteed
Analog reference output.................. 7.5 V (nominal) @ 5 mA
Digital I/O
Ports ....................................................... 4, 8-bit ports
Line direction..................................Individual bit programmable
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V
Input low voltage.....................0.8 V
Input high voltage....................2.0 V
Polarity............................................ Programmable, active-high
or active-low
Voltage range..................................0 to 5 V
Output low voltage ..................<0.45 V at 24 mA sink
Output high voltage .................>2.4 V at 24 mA source
Polarity............................................ Programmable, active-high
or active-low