National Instruments PCI-1200 Computer Hardware User Manual

Appendix A Specifications
PCI-1200 User Manual A-6 © National Instruments Corporation
gain amplifier. After the input multiplexers are switched, the amplifier must
be allowed to settle to the new input signal value to within 12-bit accuracy.
The settling time is a function of the gain selected.
Analog Output
Output Characteristics
Number of channels................................Two voltage
Resolution...............................................12 bits, 1 in 4,096
Typical update rate .................................20 S/s1 kS/s, system dependent
Type of DAC ..........................................Double buffered
Data transfers..........................................Interrupts, programmed I/O
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy (INL) .........................±0.25 LSB typ, ±0.50 LSB max
DNL ........................................................±0.25 LSB typ, ±0.75 LSB max
Monotonicity ..........................................12 bits, guaranteed
Offset error
After calibration...............................±0.2 mV max
Before calibration............................±50 mV max
Gain error (relative to internal reference)
After calibration...............................±0.01% of reading max
Before calibration............................±1% of reading max
Voltage Output
Ranges ....................................................0 to 10 V, ±5 V,
software selectable
Output coupling ......................................DC
Output impedance...................................0.2 typ
Current drive ..........................................±2 mA
Protection................................................Short circuit to ground