USB Storage
N300 Wireless ADSL2+ Modem Router DGN2200v3
Safely Remove USB Drive
To unmount a USB disk drive so that no users can access it, from the USB Settings screen,
click the Safely Remove USB button. This takes the drive offline.
Unmount the USB drive before physically unplugging it from the modem
router. If the USB disk is removed or a cable is pulled while data is being
written to the disk, it could result in file or disk corruption.
Media Server Settings
You can set up the modem router to work with compatible media adapters. Select USB
Storage > Media Servers to display the following screen:
Enable Media Server. If this feature is enabled, the DGN2200v3 can be located by
compatible media adapters, using the UPnP AV standard developed by Intel and its partners.
Media content on the DGN2200v3 (in the Content Directories that you specify) can then be
accessed and played by the media adapters.
Server Name. The
name of the media server that is displayed on client devices. Note that
some special characters (such as " / \ [ ] : ; |= , + * ? < > ` ( ) # $ %) and 2-byte characters
cannot be used in the server name.
Content Directory. S
pecify the directories (folders) that the media server should scan for
media content. You can specify up to four. Click the Browse button to locate and select the
folder you want. Each directory can be limited to a certain media type. The default setting will
scan for all content types. Note that some special characters (e.g. " \ : * ? < > | ' `) cannot be
used in the folder names.