30 SUPERSTAR II User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 4 Operation
or XYZ Solution, window shows Nav 3-D, Diff. 3-D or Dead Reckoning. If it shows Initialized there is no valid
position yet.
The FlexPak-SSII uses a comprehensive message interface. Input messages can be sent to the receiver using the
Xmit Msg menu in StarView.
The following information is important when selecting commands:
1. Message requests are only output to the receiver in binary format. They may however be viewed in
ASCII format through StarView windows.
2. You can send a message request using one shot (normal mode) or continuous (special mode) by
selecting Xmit Msg | General Message Request in StarView.
3. There is an option in StarView to save all messages transmitted by the receiver into a file. Select
File/Port | Save Data after you have finished selecting messages in Step #2 above.
The L1 GPS Firmware Reference Manual provides the available messages and parameters that the
SUPERSTAR II uses. See also Section B.3, StarView Software Installation starting on Page 55 and refer to the
StarView User Manual for more information on the StarView program.
The receiver’s software resides in read-only memory. As such, the unit “self-boots” when turned on and
undergoes a complete self-test, see Section 4.5.2, Operational States starting on Page 31. If a persistent error
develops, please contact your local NovAtel dealer first. If the problem is still unresolved, please contact
NovAtel directly through any of the methods in the Customer Service section at the beginning of this manual
on Page 9.
4.2.1 Power-Up Information
At power up, the receiver sends two categories of factory information data to COM1at 9600 bps. The
categories of information, Boot and Operational information, can be displayed on a dummy terminal.
4.2.2 Boot Information
The Boot information contains the following factory data:
169-613914-007 : Boot S/W Part Number
GO : Go in Operational Mode
4.2.3 Operational Information
The Operational information contains both the factory and the current operating mode information. The current
operating mode baud rate is output twice. This is useful when the operating baud rate is not 9600.
<Part Nb:169-614110-XXX
, CB=0x0000003F
Go to Binary @ 19200 baud
In Binary @ 19200 baud
1. Operational S/W Part Number
2. Power-up BIT result.
3. Line transmitted at the Configured Baud Rate