Oki 2024/2024e Printer User Manual

ES 2024/2024e Macintosh OS 8.6-9.2.2 Printer Driver • 82
Macintosh OS 8.6-9.2.2
Printer Driver
See your printed Software Installation Guide for information on
installing printer drivers.
Certain options such as additional memory, the duplexer, or
additional trays may be installed in your printer.
The printer drivers allow you to enable/disable options. You most
likely will only need to do this once.
To access the Printer Driver:
1. Select the Destkop Printer and leave highlighted.
2. From the Menu, click Printing - Change Setup....
3. Pressing the Auto Setup button will automatically access the
printer and set the options for you. You can also manually alter
each option, as explained below.