Windows: Software Utilities • 307
Step 4: Add the bin Files to the Project
Click Projects → Add File to Project.
The Open dialog box appears.
2. Highlight the.bin file you wish to add and click Open.
The file name appears in the Project dialog box.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the files you wish to include in the
project appear in the Project dialog box.
To delete a file from the project, click the file name, then click
Projects → Remove File from Project.
Step 5: Check.bin File Settings and Save the Project
To check the settings for the bin files, double-click the file name.
The Edit Component Name and ID dialog box appears.
2. Here you can edit the
• file name
• ID number (the number you need to enter in the printer driver
when printing overlays)
• volume:
0: = printer’s disk drive PCL partition
1: = printer’s disk drive Common partition
%disk0%: = printer’s disk drive PostScript partition
2: = Flash memory PCL
%Flash0% = Flash memory PostScript
You can also add files to the project by opening either
My Computer or Microsoft Explorer, browsing to the
directory where the prn files are stored, then selecting
the files and dragging them into the Project box.