Creating Routing Tables Section 3-8
explanation of how to create an I/O table using a CX-Programmer, refer to the
CX-Programmer User’s Manual.
Use the following procedure to create the I/O table.
Note With the CJ Series, it is necessary to create an I/O table only when I/O alloca-
tion is performed by the user. With the CS Series, it is always necessary to
create an I/O table.
3-8 Creating Routing Tables
When the FINS communications service is used, routing tables must be cre-
ated in advance. Routing tables are required in the following circumstances.
• When the FINS communications service is used on an Ethernet network
(including when communications are only carried out between FA net-
works via an Ethernet network).
• When there are multiple Communications Units mounted to the PC, and
socket services are requested by executing the CMND(490) instruction.
If neither of these circumstances apply, then a routing table is not required. In
that case, proceed to 3-9 System Setup.
The routing table is required not only for nodes communicating via the FINS
communications service but for all relay nodes on the network.
3-8-1 Routing Table Overview
The routing tables describe the transmission path for FINS messages when
the FINS communications are used. It consists of two tables: A local network
table and a relay network table.
Initial screen
(Save or clear the CPU Bus Unit System Setup.)
000000 I/O TBL ?
000000 I/O TBL
WRIT ????
000000CPU BU ST?
000000 I/O TBL