COMSPHERE 3000 Series Carrier
Glossary-2 December 1994 3000-A2-GA31-80
Control Channel (CC) The diagnostic interface between an NMS and the SDU.
CSA Canadian Standards Association.
CSU Channel Service Unit. Protects the T1 line from damage and regenerates the T1
Data Communication
A device, such as a DSU or modem, that provides an interface between a DTE
device and a digital or analog network. (Also called data circuit-terminating
The name of both a family of AT&T NMS products (System Controller, Diagnostic
Console, and Network Controller) and the network management protocol used by
these products.
Data Service Unit
A DCE device that interprets, interfaces, and provides timing and signal control
between a DTE device and a digital network.
Data Terminal Equipment
A computer or peripheral device, such as a terminal or printer; a data source or sink.
DBM The dial backup module option for the Model 3611, 3551, and 3616 DSUs. This
module is a pair of childboards that attach to the DSU circuit card to provide an
alternate data path via a point-to-point telephone call.
DBM-D A dial backup module (DBM) that provides automatic dial backup and service
restoration of failed digital circuit using 2-wire access over 2-wire 56 kbps switched
digital services. It is used for multipoint dial backup, where it occupies one slot in
the carrier and is connected to a digital bridge, to provide an alternate data path via
a point-to-point dial call to a remote DBM when the digital circuit fails. The
DBM-D optional Model 3611 DSU feature is composed of two childboards
(DBM-D primary core and line interface).
DBM-S A dial backup module (DBM) that provides automatic dial backup and service
restoration of failed digital circuits using 4-wire access over 4-wire 56 kbps
switched digital services. It is used for multipoint dial backup, where it occupies
one slot in the carrier and is connected to a digital bridge, to provide an alternate
data path via a point-to-point dial call to a remote DBM when the digital circuit
fails. The DBM-S optional Model 3611 DSU feature is composed of two
childboards (DBM-S primary core and line interface).
DBM-V A V.32 dial backup module (DBM) that provides automatic dial backup and service
restoration of failed digital circuits over the public switched telephone network
(PSTN). It is used for multipoint dial backup, where it occupies one slot in the
carrier and is connected to a digital bridge, to provide an alternate data path via a
point-to-point dial call to a remote DBM when the digital circuit fails. The DBM-V
optional Model 3611 DSU feature is composed of two childboards (DBM-V
primary core and line interface).
DDS Digital Data Service, such as DATAPHONE Digital Service or ACCUNET
Spectrum of Digital Services, that provides digital (not analog) communication
Diagnostic Channel A digital interface between a DSU and a modem used to extend diagnostics to the
DSU via the modem.