Introduction 1-1
The Monarch® Pathfinder® Ultra® Platinum 6039™ printer prints,
scans bar codes, collects data, and communicates with other devices.
The printer operates on a Microsoft Windows-based CE platform.
The printer features
Touch screen display
♦ 18-key alphanumeric keypad
♦ On-Demand and continuous printing
♦ Adjustable supply width capabilities
♦ Clock/calendar
♦ USB port communications
♦ Graphic printing capabilities
♦ Display backlight
♦ Low power shutdown to conserve the battery
♦ Laser scanner (factory-installed option)
♦ Wireless 802.11b/g Radio (factory-installed option)
♦ 512MB SD memory card (factory-installed option)
♦ 256MB Print Engine memory expansion (factory-installed option)