
26 C2681M (2/08)
During operation, the indicators show unit status as well as status changes (refer to Table D).
To achieve the best results, align the antenna on the EW5001 with the antenna on the other Endura wireless device. Make sure the antennas on
each wireless unit are pointed directly at each other.
The Receiver Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) port provides an easy way to help align the antenna for the best possible signal level. RSSI is a
function of transmission power, receiver sensitivity at a specific link speed, antenna alignment, and the noise floor. One way to improve the RSSI
is to use a lower link speed.
The EW5001 regularly calculates the RSSI value. Once calculated, it outputs this power level to the RSSI connector, where you can read it with a
digital voltmeter (DVM). The RSSI value ranges from 0 V (zero volts) to 3.3 V. When adjusting the antenna, get as close to 3.3 V as possible.
Table E correlates the DVM reading to the number of decibels above the noise floor.
For this procedure, you will use the RSSI connector on the rear panel and a DVM with a BNC adapter.
NOTE: The RSSI connector on the EW5001 rear panel is disabled when the unit is configured as an access point. To align the access point with
one or more EW5301T video encoders, perform the antenna alignment procedure on each EW5301T; refer to the EW5301T Installation manual
To align the antenna:
1. Make sure the EW5001 is operational and is configured as a bridge.
2. Make sure the numbered indicators for each unit are solid green before proceeding (refer to Table F):
Table D. Indicators During Operation
Status Change MODE 12345
Unit connected to SM5000 and operating normally. Green On On Off On On
Unit lost connection to SM5000 on Endura network. Amber On On Off On Blinking
Endura network did not renew unit network address. Amber On On Off Blinking Off
Bridge: Unit lost connection to peer bridge. Unit directly connected to
Endura network.
Amber On Blinking Off On On
Bridge: Unit lost connection to peer bridge and SM5000. Amber On Blinking Off On Blinking
Table E. Correlation of RSSI Volts and Decibels
RSSI (Volts) RSSI (dB)
3.3 and up 64 and up
2.98 to 3.28 41 to 64
2.62 to 2.97 31 to 40
2.12 to to2.6 21 to 30
0 to 2.1 0 to 20
WARNING: Do not put your hand or other body part in front of a directional antenna during this procedure.
Table F. Indicators During Antenna Alignment
EW5301T Amber On On * * *
EW5001 Green On * Off On *
EW5002 Green On * * On *
*Indicators can be either on or off.