Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

SNMP Commands
104 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Delete Community
Delete Trap
Description Deletes an SNMP community (version 1 and version 2).
User Level Admin
delete community <config_community_number>
Option <config_community_number>
When you add an SNMP community, it gets assigned to a number. To delete the SNMP
community, you need to specify the number of the community that you want to delete.
To see which community is assigned to what number, type the
show snmp command.
Description Deletes an SNMP trap host.
User Level Admin
delete trap <config_trap_number>
Option <config_trap_number>
When you add an SNMP trap host, it gets assigned to a number. To delete the SNMP
trap host, you need to specify the number of the trap host that you want to delete. To see
which trap host is assigned to what number, type the
show snmp command.
Description Configures SNMP settings.
User Level Admin
set snmp [contact <string>] [location <string>]
[readonly user <username>] [readwrite user <username>]
Options contact
The name and contract information of the person who manages this SMNP node.
The physical location of the SNMP node.
readonly user
(SNMP version 3) Specified user can only view SNMP variables.
readwrite user
(SNMP version 3) Specified user can view and edit SNMP variables.