Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

Email Commands
98 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Email Commands
Set Email-Alert Line
Description This command configures email alert parameters for the line.
User Level Admin
set email-alert line <number>|* [from <email_addr>]
[level emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug]
[mode on|off] [to <email_addr>] [reply-to <email_addr>]
[smtp-host <string>] [subject <string>] [use-server on|off]
Options from
This field will be specified in the from field of the email message sent by the IOLAN.
Choose the event level that triggers an email notification:
z Emergency
z Alert
z Critical
z Error
z Warning
z Notice
z Info
z Debug
The list is in decreasing order of priority (
Emergency has the highest priority). You are
selecting the lowest notification level; therefore, when you select
Debug, you will get
an email notification for all events that trigger a message.
Determines whether or not email notification is turned on. Default is Off.
An email address or list of email addresses that will receive the email notification.
The email address to whom all replies to the email notification should go.
The SMTP host (email server) that will process the email notification request. This can
be either a host name defined in the IOLAN host table or the SMTP host IP address.
A text string, which can contain spaces, that will display in the Subject field of the
email notification.
Determines whether you want the Line to inherit the Email Alert settings from the
Server Email Alert. If this is enabled, Server and Line notification events will have the
same Email Alert setting.