Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

TruePort Baud Commands
38 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Show Authentication
TruePort Baud Commands
Set TruePort Remap-Baud
Show TruePort
Description Shows the authentication settings. If you type just the show authentication
command, the configured primary and secondary authentication methods are displayed.
User Level Admin
show authentication radius|ldap|tacacs+|nis|kerberos|securid
Option radius|ldap|tacacs+|nis|kerberos|securid
Displays the authentication settings for the specified authentication method.
Description This command allows for the remapping of the baud rate being specified by the Serial
application to a different value on the physical serial port on the IOLAN.
User Level Admin
set trueport remap-baud
38400|57600|115200|230400|28800|[custom <baud_rate]
Options 50|75|110|134|150|200|300|600|1200|1800|2400|4800|9600|19200|38400
The configured baud rate of the TruePort client.
57600|115200|230400|28800|[custom <baud_rate>]
The actual baud rate that runs between the IOLAN and the connected serial device. You
can also specify a custom baud rate; valid values are 50 - 1843200.
Description Shows the IOLAN TruePort remapping table.
User Level Normal, Admin
show trueport