Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

Line Commands 85
Line Service Commands
Set PPP Dynamic-DNS
Description This option is only available when IP address negotiation (ipaddr-neg) is on. When
enabled, the IOLAN will automatically update the DNS server with the specified host
name and negotiated IP address for the PPP session.
User Level Admin
set ppp line .|<number>|* dynamic-dns [on|off]
[hostname <hostname>] [username <username>]
[password <password>]
Options hostname
Specify the host name that will be updated with the PPP session’s IP address on the server.
Specify the user name used to access the server.
Specify the password used to access the server.
Description Configures the lines SLIP settings.
User Level Admin
set slip line .|<number>|* [lipaddr <IPV4_address>]
[mtu <256-1006>] [netmask <IPV4_address>]
[ripaddr <IPV4_address>] [vj-comp on|off]
[routing none|send|listen|send-and-listen]
Options lipaddr
The IPv4 address of the IOLAN end of the SLIP link. For routing to work you must
enter an IP address in this field. Choose an address that is part of the same network or
subnetwork as the remote end; for example, if the remote end is address, your local IP address can be Do not use the IOLAN’s
(main) IP address in this field; if you do so, routing will not take place correctly.
The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) parameter restricts the size of individual
SLIP packets being sent by the IOLAN. Enter a value between 256 and 1500. The
default value is
256. If your user is authenticated by the IOLAN, this MTU value will
be overridden when you have set a Framed MTU value for the user. If your user is
authenticated by RADIUS and the RADIUS parameter
Framed-MTU is set in the
RADIUS file, the IOLAN will use the value in the RADIUS file in preference to the
value configured here.
The network subnet mask. For example, If your user is authenticated by
RADIUS and the RADIUS parameter
Framed-Netmask is set in the RADIUS file, the
IOLAN will use the value in the RADIUS file in preference to the value configured