Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

Server Commands
22 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
The DHCP server will update the DNS server when the IOLAN requests a DHCP IP
address (the communication between the DNS server and the DHCP server must
already be set up in your network).
Enables the DHCP/BOOTP client process in the IOLAN. By default, this is
disabled/off. If this is enabled, the server IP address parameter is disabled.
Unique name for your domain, your location in the global network. Like Hostname, it is
a symbolic, rather than a numerical, identifier.
(SCS models only) A domain prefix to uniquely identify the Ethernet interface to the
DNS when the IOLAN has two Ethernet interfaces. The format of the Ethernet interface
will take the form of <Server Name>.<Domain Prefix>.<Domain Name> or <Server
Name>.<Domain Prefix>, depending on what is configured.
When enabled, deletes any pending outbound data when a port is closed; as opposed to
maintaining the port to send pending data. The default value is
The IOLAN’s unique IPv4 network IP address. If you are using the IOLAN in an IPv6
network, use the
set ipv6 command.
internet [eth1|eth2]
Dual Ethernet SCS models require that you specify which Ethernet connection you are
setting, either
eth1 or eth2.
You must supply a name for the IOLAN.
The network subnet mask. For example,
The string used to access to the Easy Port Access menu without disconnecting the initial
reverse SSH or reverse Telnet session.The default string is ~menu.
Specify how often, in seconds, the IOLAN will send a TCP keepalive. This only applies
to line service types that support the keepalive feature. The default interval is every 30
When set, and a custom language file is in use, the login prompt will use the string
defined in the language file as the login prompt instead of the default prompt, login:.