Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

User Commands 55
Commands for Users Logged Into the IOLAN
Show Line Users
Description Shows the users who are on the line.
User Level Admin
show line users
Description Starts an SSH session to the specified host/IP address.
User Level Normal, Admin
ssh <hostname/IP_address> [<TCP_port>]
[termtype <terminal_name>] [authentication rsa on|off]
[authentication dsa on|off]
[authentication keyboard-interactive on|off]
[compression on|off] [protocol ssh-1|ssh-2|ssh-2,1]
[ssh-1-cipher 3des|des|blowfish]
[ssh-2-cipher-list <3des blowfish cast aes arcfour> end-list]
[user <name>] [verbose on|off]
Options <hostname/IP_address>
The name (resolvable via DNS) or IP address of the host you wish to connect to with
The port number the target host is listening on for incoming connections. The default
for SSH is port number 22.
Type of terminal attached to this line; for example, ANSI or WYSE60.
authentication rsa
An authentication method used by SSH version 1 and 2. When enabled, an SSH client
session will try to authenticate via RSA.
authentication dsa
An authentication method used by SSH version 2. When enabled, an SSH client session
will try to authenticate via DSA.
authentication keyboard-interaction
The user types in a password for authentication.Used for SSH2 only.
Requests compression of all data. Compression is desirable on modem lines and other
slow connections, but will only slow down things on fast networks.
Specify whether you are using SSH-1, SSH-2, or a combination of the two protocols,
SSH-2, SSH-1.
Select the encryption method (cipher) that you want to use for your SSH version 1
z 3DES
z Blowfish