Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

IPv6 Tunnels
118 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Set IPv6tunnel
Show IPv6tunnel
Delete IPv6tunnel
Description Configures the specified IPv6 tunnel.
User Level Admin
set ipv6tunnel <config_tunnel_name> [mode manual|teredo|6to4]
[gateway <interface>] [remote-host <config_host>]
Options mode
The method or protocol that is used to create the IPv6 tunnel.
z Manual—When enabled, the IOLAN will manually create the IPv6 tunnel to the
Remote Host through the specified Interface.
z 6to4—When enabled, the IOLAN will broadcast to the multicast address through the specified
Interface. When the closest 6to4 router responds,
it will create the IPv6 tunnel, encapsulating and decapsulating IPv6 traffic sent to
and from the IOLAN.
z Teredo—When enabled, the Teredo protocol encapsulates the IPv6 packet as an
IPv4 UDP message, allowing it to pass through most network address translator
(NAT) boxes and create an IPv6 tunnel to the specified
Remote Host (a Teredo
server) through the specified
Default: Manual
The interface that the IOLAN is going to use to access the Remote Host. The list is
comprised of the Ethernet interface(s) and serial ports configured PPP or SLIP.
Default: ethernet_1
The IPv4 host that can access the IPv6 network when the Mode is Manual.
The Teredo server when the
Mode is Teredo.
Default: None
Description Shows the specified IPv6 tunnel settings.
User Level Admin
show ipv6tunnel <config_tunnel_name>
Description Controls the state of all IPsec tunnels.
User Level Admin
delete ipv6tunnel <config_tunnel_name>
Options <config_tunnel_name>
Deletes the specified IPv6 tunnel. If a tunnel is associated with a gateway, it cannot be
deleted until the gateway is either changed or deleted.