Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

Set IOChannel
146 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Set IOChannel Digital Output
Latches (remembers) the activity transition (active-to-inactive or inactive-to-active).
The latched status is maintained until it is read. Once it is read, it will revert to the
current status. The default is disabled.
Description Sets the Digital output channel settings.
User Level Admin
set iochannel <digital_channel>
[type sink|source|sink-and-source] [active-signal-width <width>]
[inactive-signal-width <width>]
[failsafe-action none|activate-output|deactivate-output]
set iochannel <digital_channel>
output [pulse continuous|counted <pulse_count>]
[active-to-inactive-delay <delay>]
[inactive-to-active-delay <delay>]
Options digital_channel
Specify the Digital channel number, for example, d2.
Specify the type of digital output:
z Sink—Specifies that the channel will be grounded when active.
z Source—Specifies that the channel will provide voltage when active.
z Sink and Source—Specifies that channel will be grounded when it is inactive and
will provide voltage when it is active.
The default is
How long the channel will be active during the pulse mode. Valid values are 1-9999 x
100 ms. The default is 100 ms.
How long the channel will remain inactive during pulse mode. Valid values are 1-9999
x 100 ms. The default is 100 ms.
When there has been no I/O activity within the specified time (set in the Global
Settings) and the
Failsafe Timer is triggered, you can set the Failsafe Action to:
z None—The state of the Digital/Relay output remains the same, no change.
z Activate Output—Activates the channel.
z Deactivate Output—Deactivates the channel.