Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

Configuring Users
60 IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7
Used for User Service PPP or SLIP, specifies the maximum size of packets, in bytes,
being transferred across the link. On noisy links it might be preferable to fragment large
packets being transferred over the link, since there will be quicker recovery from errors.
Depending on whether you have selected a
User Service of SLIP or PPP, details are as
z PPPFramed MTU will be the maximum size of packets that the IOLAN port will
accept. This value is negotiated between the two ends of the link. The valid range is
64-1500. The default value is
1500 bytes.
z SLIPFramed MTU will be the maximum size of packets being sent by the
IOLAN. The IOLAN will send SLIP packets in the range 256-1500 bytes. The
default value is
256 bytes.
Framed MTU value will be used in preference to the MTU/MRU values set for a
The prefix that a user types to control the current session. The default value is hex 01,
which corresponds to
Ctrl-a (^a) (hex value 02 would be Ctrl-b (^b), etc.):
z ^a number—To switch from one session to another, press ^a and then the required
session number. For example,
^a 2 would switch you to session 2. Pressing ^a 0
will return you to the IOLAN Menu.
z ^a n—Display the next session. The current session will remain active. The lowest
numbered active session will be displayed.
z ^a p—Display the previous session. The current session will remain active. The
highest numbered active session will be displayed.
z ^a m—To exit a session and return to the IOLAN. You will be returned to where
you left off. The session will be left running.
z ^a l—(Lowercase L) Locks the line until the user unlocks it. The user is prompted
for a password (any password, excluding spaces) and locks the line. Next, the user
must retype the password to unlock the line.
z ^r—When you switch from a session back to the Menu, the screen may not be
redrawn correctly. If this happens, use this command to redraw it properly. This is
Ctrl R, regardless of the Hotkey Prefix.
User Hotkey Prefix value overrides the Line Hotkey Prefix value. You can use the
Hotkey Prefix keys to lock a line only when the line Lock parameter is On.
The amount of time, in seconds, that the Idle Timer will run. Use this timer to close a
connection because of inactivity. When the
Idle Timer expires, because there has been
no exchange of data within the specified time, the IOLAN will close the connection.
The default value is
0 (zero), meaning that the Idle Timer will not expire (the
connection is open permanently). The maximum value is 4294967
seconds. The User
Idle Timer
will override the Line Idle Timer, with the exception of reverse SSH or
reverse Telnet sessions.
For outbound User Services such as Telnet, Rlogin, or SSH, this is the target host name
or IP address. If no IP address is specified, the
Host IP value in the Default User
configuration will be used. The default is or None.
You can specify whether a user will use English or Customlang as the language that
appears in the Menu, CLI, or WebManager. The IOLAN supports one custom language
that must be downloaded to the IOLAN; otherwise,
Customlang defaults to English.