Perle Systems SDS Network Router User Manual

IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC CLI Reference Guide, Version 3.7 19
Server Commands Chapter 2
This chapter defines all the CLI commands associated with configuring the IOLAN server
Server Commands
Set Console
Set Custom-App
Description Sets the flow control and baud rate on IOLAN models that have a dedicated console
User Level Admin
set console [flow none|soft|hard]
[speed 9600|19200|38400|57600|115200]
Options flow
For IOLAN models that have a dedicated console port, defines whether the data flow is
handled by using software (
Soft), hardware (Hard), or no (None) flow control.
For IOLAN models that have a dedicated console port, specifies the baud rate of the
line connected to the console port.
Description You can create a custom application that can run on the IOLAN using the Perle SDK.
User Level Admin
set custom-app server program-command-line <command>
Options program-command-line
The name of the SDK program executable that has been already been downloaded to
the IOLAN, plus any parameters you want to pass to the program. Maximum of 80
characters. Use the
shell CLI command as described in the SDK Programmer’s Guide
to manage the files that you have downloaded to the IOLAN. For example, using
outraw program, you would type:
outraw -s 0 Acct:10001
if you were starting the application on the Server (notice the
-s 0 parameter specifies
Line 1).