
Keyboard - The “OFF” selection lockouts or disables all
functions from the TV’s front control panel. (This function
can also be controlled from the Net1Card menu. If
“FRONT KEYBOARD OFF” is selected using the
Net1Card's “COMMERCIAL SETTINGS” menu, you can-
not turn the keyboard “ON” with this menu selection. This
item should be set to “ON” for Net1Card.)
t Sound - The “ON” selection controls the TV volume
to smooth out sound levels during program changes and
commercial breaks.
Mode - The “ESP MODE” function will automatically
turn OFF the set if it has been ON continuously for the time
duration shown. Press the (+) button to activate the function
and set the time limit by random access of the desired dura-
tion (up to 99 hours). Press the (-) button for normal TV
Channel Guide
- Press the (+) button to enable the Channel
Guide feature. Press the (-) button to disable the function.
Mute - The “ON” setting goes to a blank Video Blue
background, and the TV audio is muted. “OFF” returns the
TV to Antenna signal source screen.
Channel Blank
- The “Blanked” setting allows the viewer to
block the picture to any channel. Press the (+) button to
“BLANKED”, or the (-) button to “UNBLANKED”.
- The “ON” setting is selected by pressing the (+)
button when SPEAKER is highlighted in the menu. This will
allow the TV speakers to operate. In the “OFF” position
(selected by pressing the (-) button) the TV speakers will not
work and the external speaker connection on the back of the
TV will be operational.
Bass Boost
- With the BASS BOOST feature in the “ON”
position the low frequency audio range of the TV is
increased creating a deeper, fuller sound.
Volume - Sets the volume for the TV when it is first
turned on. For Net1Card, it should be set to “STAN-
ol Force - Forces the volume to preset levels, even when a
lower volume level is selected. For Net1Card, it should be
set to “STANDARD.”
- The “OFF” selection will drop the TV’s on-screen fea-
ture list from the screen.
Press the (+) or (-) to choose between MAX(imum) volume
or the TURN ON volume. Press the VOLUME UP or VOL-
UME DOWN button to set either the MAX(imum) volume
level available, or the set TURN ON volume level. The range
is made up of 63 steps from minimum to maximum.
TV Mode - Press the (+) button to have the TV
receive cable channels 1 to 125. Press the (-) button to have
the TV receive the normal off-the-air channels 2-69.
Auto Pr
ogram - This function allows the TV to scan all the
channels and automatically program in memory all active
channels on the system. Press the (+) button to activate auto
programming. Press the (-) button at any time to stop this
Add/Delete Channels
- This function allows individual
channels to be added or deleted from memory. Tune the
desired channel by using the CHANNEL UP/CHANNEL
DOWN buttons or by random access, and then press the (+)
or (-) button to either add or remove a channel from memory.
- This function will give a name, up to eight charac-
ters, to a channel. Press the (-) button to delete any existing
label. Press the (+) button to activate this function. Once in
modification display, a cursor will point to the position on
the label. The Menu ▲▼ buttons (on the T374AH remote)
will scan through the available character set. The (+) and (-)
buttons will move the cursor to the next position on the label.
A total of 32 channels may be labeled.
- Press the (+) button to allow the continuous dis-
play of the current channel number. Press the (-) button and
the channel number will appear for only a few seconds after
the channel change and then disappear.
On Channel
- This function will determine what channel the
TV will tune to at initial turn ON. Tune any channel and
press the (+) button. The TV will tune to that channel every
time it is turned ON. Press the (-) button and the TV will, at
turn on, tune to the last channel tuned before turn OFF.
On - Press the (+) button for the “POWER FORCED
ON” mode. This disables the normal ON/OFF control and
the receiver will be activated once AC power is applied. The
“Sleep Timer” function is disabled and the set may not be
turned OFF except by removing power. Press the (-) button
for normal “POWER ON/OFF” control. For Net1Card,
Power On should be set to “STANDARD.”
- The “NO DISPLAYS” function disables any on-
screen displays, except the Sleep Timer and the Mute. Press
the (+) button to activate this function and the (-) button for
standard displays.
Net 1Card IB 2/15/00 12:18 PM Page 34