D - 4 Users Manual
Case 2: Constant Volta
e, Output Current from a fixed minimum value to
the maximum
The followin
procedure is useful only if you have one channel that can cover the
complete ran
e from the minimum to the maximum and if the other channels
ether can supply the fixed minimum current.
ram the current settin
of the latter channels to an equal part of the minimum
value and use these channels in the Constant Current mode. Use the one
channel in the Constant Volta
e mode. To make sure that the other channels will
not leave the Constant Current mode, set their volta
e to a value that is a little
her than the Constant Volta
e required. Pro
ram the current settin
of the
Constant Volta
e channel to a value that is sufficient to supply the maximum
additional current required.
If the minimum is 0A or if you don't have one channel that can cover the ran
from the minimum to the maximum, use the procedure
iven under Case 3.
Load volta
e 10V (constant).
Load current 10A to 15A (variable).
Protection: Over volta
e 11V.
Over current 15A.
Available channel ratin
Three channels, all 60V/5A.
Suitable settin
Channel 1: Vset = 10.1V, Iset = 5A, OVPset = 11V
Channel 2: Vset = 10.1V, Iset = 5A, OVPset = 11V
Channel 3: Vset = 10.0V, Iset = 5A, OVPset = 11V
Set Coupled Protection ON via the AUX key. This will shut down all channels at
once, when the protection circuit of any channel becomes active.
Disable Overcurrent Protection of channels 1 and 2 with the OCP EN/OCP DIS
Enable Overcurrent Protection of channel 3 with the OCP EN/OCP DIS key.