The following sections describe the LiveGateway default settings, and provide instructions for changing the
settings, if necessary, to avoid conflicts.
I/O Port Base Address Settings
The default I/O port base address setting, as configured on the LiveGateway board's DIP switch for the
LiveGateway board is 380 (hexadecimal). The following illustration shows the default DIP switch settings for
each of the two types of LiveGateway DIP switches used with the LiveGateway board. Your LiveGateway
board will have one of these DIP swicthes.
Note: Each LiveGateway board requires 32 bytes of address space.
If the LiveGateway default address (380) conflicts with the I/O address of another device, you need to reset the
DIP switches to a different value before installing the LiveGateway board in the PC. A list of I/O port base
address settings is provided in Appendix B.
Resetting DIP Switches
The LiveGateway board can be damaged by static discharge. To equalize static charge, ground
yourself by touching the metal back panel of your computer. Do not use a pencil to slide DIP
switches; the graphite can damage the switch.
To reset the LiveGateway I/O port base address setting:
1. Unpack the LiveGateway board by removing it from the plastic antistatic package.
2. Compare the available I/O address settings, obtained when performing the Windows NT
diagnostic program, with the default LiveGateway I/O address setting. If the default
LiveGateway board I/O setting is available, install the board. If the default LiveGateway board
setting is in use, proceed to step 3.
3. Select one of the I/O port base address settings
4. Change the setting. Use a paper clip to slide the DIP switches.
IRQ Settings
The default LiveGateway ISA bus IRQ Address is 15. The IRQ address is set using the LiveGateway software,
as described in Installing the LiveGateway Software
. Be sure to run the Windows NT diagnostic utility to check
for IRQ conflicts before setting the LiveGateway IRQ address during the LiveGateway software installation.