Date and Time
The date is the month and day that LiveGateway generated the message. The time is the hour and minute that
LiveGateway generated the message.
Event Code
The event code is a code for the message. Refer to Using the Event Log Information for details on the event
The category is the class of the message. There are six categories:
1 = Informational, such as reporting that LiveGateway has started.
2 = Accounting, such as reporting that a call has been established.
3 = Warnings, where no problem will occur if the message is ignored.
4 = Minor Alarms, where a problem may occur if the message is ignored.
5 = Major Alarms, where a serious problem may occur if the message is ignored.
6 = Fatal Errors, where LiveGateway shuts down to prevent any serious problems.
The description provides brief information about the event.
Using the LiveGateway Event Log Information
The following information describes the six categories of LiveGateway messages recorded in the LiveGateway
event log, and the recommended action for each message.
Informational Messages
The following table shows Category 1 (informational) messages that appear in the event log and the
recommended action for each message.
Description Probable Cause
LiveGateway started
LiveGateway started for
the first time.
No action required.