Planet Technology IDL-4800 Network Card User Manual

$ get rmon task taskname tsk1
Name : TSK1 Status : EVENT SUSPEND
Sched Count : 1 Priority : 10
Preempt : Yes Time Slice : 0
Stack Base : 0x520cc18 Stack Size : 2048
CleanStackSize : 14080
LastSchedTime : Thu Jan 01 00:00:08 1970-
Output field:
Field Description
This parameter specifies the name of the task.
This parameters specifies the status of the task. The task
can in ready state, terminated state, suspended state or
finished state.
Sched Count
This parameter specifies the Schedule count of the task i.e.
number of times the task has been scheduled.
This parameter tells the priority of the task.
This parameter tells whether the task preemption is allowed
or not. If the value is yes then task can be preempted .If the
value is No , then task can not be preempted.
Time Slice
This parameters tell the time slice of the task. If this value is
zero, it means that time slicing is disabled for this task.
Stack Base
This parameter specifies the base address (starting
address) of the stack associated with this task. The stack of
the task would span from the address as given by Stack
Base till the address as given by (Stack Base + Stack Size).
Note that the stack grows from the address as given by
(Stack Base + Stack Size) towards Stack Base.
Stack Size
This parameters tells the total number of bytes in the task's
This Parameter tells the free stack size i.e. the number of
bytes that have never been accessed in the stack of task.
Basically this gives an idea of the stack watermark.
This parameter tells the system time at which the task was
lastly scheduled.