Chapter 3 - Initial System Configuration
The following table describes the gatekeeper modes that can be
configured with each of the listed gatekeepers.
12. Click Next.
Prefix (cont.) You can define several Network Services on the
MCU with each one of them containing one or
several IP cards. When a firewall is used, two IP
Network Services are usually defined; one for the
card that is connected to the external network and
the other one that includes all the remaining cards
(those connected to the internal network).
Refresh H.323
Registration Every
n Seconds
Enter the frequency in which the system informs the
gatekeeper that it is active by re-sending the IP
address and aliases of the IP cards to the
gatekeeper. If the IP card does not register within the
defined time interval, the gatekeeper will not refer
calls to this IP card until it re-registers. If timeout is
set to 0, re-registration is disabled.
Note: It is recommended to use default settings.
Table 3-11: H.323 Parameters (Continued)
Field Description
Table 3-12: Gatekeeper Interoperability
Gatekeeper Modes/
Register as
Radvision MGK-100 + ++ +
Radvision ECS +
+ + +
VCON MXM + ++ +
Cisco MCM -- -
PathNavigator +
++ +
Shading indicates the preferred configuration mode