MGC-50/MGC-100 Getting Started Guide
The following table lists the supported SIP Proxies and their Registration
Register OnGoing
Meeting Rooms/
Entry Queues &
SIP Factories
Select the conferencing entity to register with the
In SIP conferencing, the Entry Queues, Meeting
Rooms and conferences register with the SIP proxy.
The endpoint calls the conferencing entity directly
and not the card.
Registering all the conferences with the proxy loads
the proxy and the MCU as the registration is
refreshed constantly (every x seconds). Therefore, it
recommended to register only the Entry Queues and
define all the conferences and Meeting Rooms as
Entry Queue Access.
Reservations are not registered.
Refresh SIP
Every n Seconds
Enter the frequency in which the system informs the
SIP proxy that it is active by re-sending the details of
all conference types to the server. If the various
conferences and Entry Queues do not register within
the defined time interval, the SIP server will not refer
calls to this conference/Entry Queue until it
re-registers. If timeout is set to 0, re-registration is
The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes).
Table 3-13: SIP Options (Continued)
Field Description
Table 3-14: Supported SIP Proxies and their Registration Modes
SIP Proxy Registration Mode Comment
Microsoft LCS
• Redirect
Each IP card must be
configured in the Static
Routes table of the LCS.
• Forking
• Redirect
• Redirect
• Forking