Printronix ANSI Printer Printer User Manual

Tab Set, Multiple Horizontal
Tab Set, Multiple Horizontal
ASCII Code ESC [p1;p2...;pn u
Hex Code 1B 5B p1 3B p2 ... 3B pn 75
Dec Code 27 91 p1 59 p2 ... 59 pn 117
Expression CHR$(27);[p1;p2...;pn u
Purpose Sets up to 22 horizontal tabs. The p parameters are set in
decipoints and are normally converted internally to the nearest
equivalent column position based on the current CPI setting. The
absolute decipoint value is used when the printer is printing
proportional characters.
Discussion Example: Placing tabs at columns 10, 20, and 40 at 10 CPI.
ESC [648;1386;2808u
p in decipoints = (column number minus 1) times (decipoints per
(10 - 1)(72) = 648 First printed character is in column 10
(20 - 1)(72) = 1368 First printed character is in column 20
(40 - 1)(72) = 2808 First printed character is in column 40
Appendix B contains a conversion table for decipoint
If more than 22 tabs are set, the highest numbered tabs (farthest
right) will be pushed out of the table. Tabs set beyond the right
margin are not usable. Moving the right margin beyond these
settings will make them active.
Control code HT (09H) moves the print position to the next
preset location. If no tabs are set, a space is substituted. If there
are tabs set but none between the current position and the right
margin, the current position will become the right margin.
Table 8. Decipoints per Column
Spacing in
10 72
12 60
13.3 54
15 48
16.7 43