Printronix ANSI Printer Printer User Manual

Chapter 3 ANSI EVFU
The Skip to Channel Command
ESC [p1;p2 ! p
Commands vertical paper movement to the channel specified by the number
formed by p1 and p2. Valid channel numbers are in the range 1-12.
0;1 - selects channel 1
0;9 - selects channel 9
1;1 - selects channel 11
Channel 1 is always used for TOF; channel 12 is always used with the vertical
tab character (VT OBH). If the channel number is greater than 12 then the
program defaults to channel 1. If the table has not been loaded and a channel
command is received, it is ignored.
7 Quarter Form
8 Tenth Line
9 Bottom of Form (bottom margin)
10 Bottom of Form minus 1 line
11 Top of Form minus 1 line (last line this form)
12 Top of Form
Table 25. Default EVFU Table
Channel Description