Using The EVFU
Channel codes in excess of 192 channels received prior to the end load code
are discarded.
Using The EVFU
Once the EVFU program has been enabled and loaded, sending the
appropriate channel code to the printer will cause any data in the buffer to
print and will position the paper to the next line on the form having the
specified channel number assigned in EVFU memory.
For a data byte to be recognized as an EVFU instruction, the following criteria
must be met:
1. PI line must be enabled and set high; and
2. Data bit 5 must be 0 (not set).
3. Data bits 6-8 must be 0 (not set).
1. PI line must be disabled or low; and
2. Data bit 5 must be 1 (set).
Given these conditions, the lower four bits of a byte will specify the EVFU
channel number. Table 19 lists the EVFU channels and their equivalent data
bytes with the PI line enabled; Table 20 lists the EVFU channel and their
equivalent data bytes with the PI line disabled.
Table 19. P-Series EVFU Codes - PI Line Enabled
ASCII Data Bits
00 0 NUL1XXX000001 (TOF)
01 1 SOH1XXX00001 2
02 2 STX1XXX00010 3
03 3 ETX1XXX00011 4
04 4 EOT1XXX00100 5
05 5 ENQ1XXX00101 6
06 6 ACK1XXX00110 7
07 7 BEL1XXX00111 8
08 8 BS 1XXX01000 9
09 9 HT 1XXX01001 10
0A 10 LF 1XXX01010 11
0B 11 VT 1XXX0101112 (VT)