Printronix ANSI Printer Printer User Manual

Appendix C
bar codes, and many alphanumeric text-generation
initialization A series of processes and self-tests to set power-up
default conditions and parameters.
interface The hardware components used to link two devices
by common physical interconnection, signal, and
functional characteristics.
invoke To put into effect or operation.
ipm inches per minute. A measurement of the speed of a
printer printing in graphics print mode (plotting
italic A slanted type style. This sentence is printed in an
italic type style.
LAC Load Alternate Characters.
LF Line Feed.
landscape Printed perpendicular to the paper motion.
LCD Liquid-Crystal Display. The LCD is located on the
operator panel. Its purpose is to communicate
information to the operator concerning the operating
state of the printer.
LED Light Emitting Diode.
logical link The parameters that specify data transfer, control, or
communication operations.
lpi lines per inch. A measurement indicating the vertical
spacing between successive lines of text. For
example, 8 lpi means 8 lines of text for every vertical
lpm lines per minute: A speed measurement indicating
the number of lines printed every minute. (lpm
usually defines the speed at which text prints.)
monospaced See font, monospaced.
MM Millimeter.
MPL Maximum Page Length. Also known as forms length.
The number of lines that can be printed on a page.
MPP Maximum Print Position. Also called line length.