Raritan Computer KX2-432 Network Router User Manual

Power Controlling a Target Server
Note: These features are available only when you have made power associations. Refer to power
control for more information.
Power Cycle a Target Server
To power cycle a target server:
1. From the KX II Remote Console, click the Port Access tab to open it. The Port Access page
2. Click the Port Name of the appropriate target server. The Port Action Menu is displayed.
Figure 25: Port Action Menu (power options)
3. Select Power Cycle. A message is displayed confirming the action taken.
Power On a Target Server
To power ON a target server:
1. From the KX II Remote Console, click the Port Access tab to open it. The Port Access page
2. Click the Port Name of the appropriate target server. The Port Action Menu is displayed.
3. Select Power On.
Power Off a Target Server
To power OFF a target server:
1. From the KX II Remote Console, click the Port Access tab to open it. The Port Access page
2. Click the Port Name of the appropriate target server. The Port Action Menu is displayed.
3. Select Power Off.