Renesas HS2378KCI01H Network Card User Manual

The [System Status] window displays the following items in each page.
Table 3.3 Contents of the [System Status] Window
Page Item Description
[Session] Target System Always displays Connected.
Session Name Displays the session file name.
Program Name Displays the load module file name.
[Platform] Connected To: Displays the name of the connected emulator and the
selected driver name.
CPU Displays the target MCU name.
Run status Displays the execution status:
RUNNING: Being executed
Break: Stopped
Cause of last break Displays the cause of the emulator stopping at break. In
this example, the cause of the stop is BREAK POINT.
Run time count Displays the program execution time. The display format
is h: hours, min: minutes, s: seconds, and ms:
milliseconds. In this example, 0h0min3s110ms is
Emulator mode Displays the emulator operating mode (setting
information for [Emulation Mode] of the [Configuration]
dialog box).
[Memory] Loaded Memory
Displays the loaded area of the load module.
[Events] Resources Displays the usage states of BREAKPOINT and Break