Print Server Manual 11 A741
2.9 PC networking
In order for the A741 Repro System to work properly, there must be an
active network environment, even for a stand-alone A741 Repro Server.
Use the procedure below if the A741 Repro print server is not connected to
-and participating in- an active network.
Without a previous network installation (or a system without a network card)
• Open the 'Control Panel -/Network' /Adapters /Add
• Choose the 'MS Loopback' adapter from the list and click OK. Depending
on uyour specific installation the Windows NT system disk may be
• Select the 'Protocols' tab
• Choose the NetBEUI protocol and press 'Enter' on the packet size
question. If NetBEUI is not listed go back to Add and select it from the
list and click OK.
• Close the Network routine and re-start the PC.
• To check if the network is functional by double-clicking on 'Network
Neighborhood' to see if your PC name is listed (note: this may take
several minutes)