Adding Paper and Replacing Toner
Orientation-Fixed Paper or Two-Sided Paper
The following describes paper with its orientation and printing surface specified
(letterhead paper).
Orientation-fixed (top to bottom) or two-sided paper (for example, letterhead
paper, prepunched paper, or copied paper) might not print correctly, depending
on how the originals and paper are placed. Select [On] in Letterhead Setting un-
der Copier Features, and then place the original and paper as shown below. See
“Copier Features”, General Settings Guide.
When printing with the printer function, placing orientation is the same.
❖ Original Orientation
When copying in this orientation using the duplex function, select [Always Specify]
in [Orientation] under [Copier Features] (User Tools). Place originals, and then select
as the original orientation.
When copying in this orientation using the duplex function, and loaded paper ori-
entation is L, place originals as shown below:
Exposure glass ADF or ARDF