36 MM2211 Wireless Broadband Gateway User’s Guide 8000013, July 2006
Configuring the MM2211 Gateway
Figure 11—WPA Configuration
Table 11 explains the WPA Configuration parameters and a description of the Authentication and Cipher
4. In the Configuration ->Security (WPA-PSK) menu, enter a passphrase and enter it again in the Confirm
5. Click the Update button to save your settings.
Table 11—WPA Configuration
Field Description
WPA Wi-Fi protected access using Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)
WPA2 Wi-Fi protected access using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
Authentication Choices are WPA, WPA2 or Auto.
Cipher Choices are TKIP, AES, or Auto.
PassPhrase / Confirm Enter a passphrase and enter it again in the Confirm field.