Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
RMB: Removable Media Bit: this shall be set to one to indicate removable media.
ISO/ECMA: These fields shall be zero for the UFI device.
ANSI Version: must contain a zero to comply with this version of the Specification.
Response Data Format: a value of 01h shall be used for UFI device
The Additional Length field shall specify the length in bytes of the parameters. If the Allocation Length of
the Command Packet is too small to transfer all of the parameters, the Additional Length shall not be
adjusted to reflect the truncation. The UFI device shall set this field to 1Fh.
The Vendor Identification field contains 8 bytes of ASCII data identifying the vendor of the product. The
data shall be left aligned within this field.
The Product Identification field contains 16 bytes of ASCII data as defined by the vendor. The data shall be
left-aligned within this field.
The Product Revision Level field contains 4 bytes of ASCII data as defined by the vendor. The data shall be
left-aligned within this field. For a UFI device, this field indicates the firmware revision number.
6.5.3 READ (10) Command (28h)
The READ (10) command (Table 6-32) requests that the UFI device transfer data to the host. The most recent
data value written in the addressed logical block shall be returned.
Table 6-32: READ (10) Command
DPO: This bit should be set to zero.
FUA: This bit should be set zero.
RelAdr: This bit should be set to zero.
6.5.4 READ CAPACITY Command (25h)
The READ CAPACITIY command (Table 6-33) allows the host to request capacities of the currently
installed medium.
Table 6-33: READ CAPACITY Command