Spinpoint M8U-Internal Product Manual REV 3.4
RelAdr: This bit should be set to zero.
Logical Block Address should be set to zero.
PMI: This bit should be set to zero.
If the UFI device recognizes the formatted medium, the UFI device returns a READ CAPACITY Data
(Table 6-34) to the host on the Bulk In endpoint. The UFI device sets the sense key to NO SENSE. if the
command block Passed.
Table 6-34: READ CAPACITY Data
The Last Logical Block Address field holds the last valid LBA for use with media access commands. The
Block Length In Bytes field specifies the length in bytes of each logical block for the given capacity
6.5.5 READ FORMAT CAPACITY Command (23h)
The READ FORMAT CAPACITIES command (Table 6-35) allows the host to request a list of the possible
capacities that can be formatted on the currently installed medium. If no medium is currently installed, the
UFI device shall return the maximum capacity that can be formatted by the device.
Table 6-35: READ FORMAT CAPACITY Command
Allocation Length: specifies the maximum number of bytes of format data the Host can receive. If this is
less than the size of capacity data, the UFI device returns only the number of bytes requested. However, the
UFI device shall not adjust the Capacity List Length in the format data to reflect truncation.