The AR-287, AR-337 and AR-407 copiers are digital image processing copiers
which provide high productivity and convenient features including intelligent
image-editing functions.
Amongst their many useful features and functions are the document feeder,
various special functions such as dual page copying, margin shift, erase, XY
zoom, and black and white reverse functions, photo copying, and an internal
auditor. If this copier is connected with another copier of the same model
equipped with the same options through the tandem-connection cable (AR-
CA1), copying can be performed using the two copiers allowing copying to be
twice as fast as copying on one copier when makig multiple copies (tandem
copying). Also, the JOB BUILD mode allows copies to be made of multipage
documents of up to 120 pages (the limit, however, might be up to 60 pages of 8-1/2"
x 14" or 11" x 17" paper size when the copier is equipped with some option) by
dividing the document into sections small enough (50 pages or less) and
sequentially feeding through the document feeder. The digital processing
system of the copiers allows multiple sets of copies to be sorted without the aid
of a sorter. These copiers can be equipped with an optional large capacity tray
which holds 3,000 sheets of copy paper. The machine can also be equipped with
an optional finisher to provide finished copy sets ready for distribution.
These copiers were also designed with ease of use in mind. The easy-to-
understand operation panel with touch panel system and INFORMATION
function will guide the user through most operations. In order to gain the
maximum benefit of all the features of the copiers, it is recommended that users
first read this manual to become familiar with all the features of the copiers.
The tandem copying function is not available for the AR-287.
This manual describes only copier features. For a description of optional
printer features and scanner features, see the separate relevant manual.
The illustrations in this manual are mainly drawn for the AR-407.
This manual is intended as an operation guide for both general users and key
For General Users
It is recommended that you read the GETTING STARTED, MAKING COPIES,
and SPECIAL FUNCTIONS sections to become familiar with the available
features and functions of your copier. Then refer to the manual as needed to
become thoroughly familiar with those features you will normally use.
For Key Operators
Please read all sections thoroughly to become familiar with all features and
functions of your copier. Throughout the manual, information which is relevant
to key operator functions is noted by “★ KEY OPERATOR.” Please pay close
attention to these notes and to the SUPPLIES, COPIER TROUBLE?, GENERAL
INFORMATION, and OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT sections so you can ensure
smooth and efficient operation of your machine.
A separate KEY OPERATOR’S GUIDE has been written especially for you. It
contains the programs and programming information that will enable you to tailor
functions for maximum benefit to your company.