About the Web pages (for the administrator)
In addition to the menus that appear for users, other menus that can only be used by the administrator appear in the administrator Web pages.
A menu frame appears on the left side of the page. When you click an item in the menu, a screen appears in the right frame that
allows you to configure settings for that item. Settings that can only be configured by the administrator are explained here.
Configure machine identification information for the status &
alert E-mail function.
☞Information setup
To protect the Web site, the system administrator can
establish passwords. Enter a password that you would like to
establish and click the [Submit] button.
One password can be established for the administrator and
one password can be established for users.
☞Protecting information programmed in the web page
(3)Key Operator Programs
Setting changes can be prohibited and interface settings can
be configured.
☞Key operator programs
(4)Status Message
Configure parameters required for sending status
messages, such as destination addresses and time
☞Status message setup
(5)Alerts Message
Store destination addresses for alert messages.
☞Alerts message setup
Unused ports can be disabled for greater security and port
numbers can be changed.
Configure information concerning the e-mail system.
☞SMTP setup
(8)Print Port
Configure settings for e-mail print.
☞Setting up the E-mail print function