Programmable Scanning
Programmable Scanning scans a frequency range you
have defined step by step. You can also specify the
frequency step and the detection mode.
Defining the frequency range
Define the range by specifying the lower and the upper
limits of the range. The preset channels for the upper and
lower limits are located after channel 30 of page 10. You
cannot use any other channel for this purpose.
1 Set the SQL control to MIN.
2 Press POWER to turn the receiver on.
Tune in, by any way, to a frequency to be specified as
the lower limit of the range.
Adjust the frequency step and the detection mode.
Press STEP repeatedly to select a frequency step of
your choice.
Press MODE repeatedly to select a detection mode of
your choice (see “Adjusting frequency step and
detection mode”, page 31).
Skip this step to select the default step and detection
While holding down ENTER, press
then EXE.
“PRESET” and the preset number will flash in the
display. (Do not release ENTER).
While holding down ENTER, press
until “PRESET L” appears for the preset number
With each press, the preset number display will
change as follows.
“L” (“Lower limit”) comes after preset channel 30.
(Do not release ENTER).
While holding down ENTER, press EXE again.
The lower limit frequency has been memorized in
preset L.
Repeat steps 3 to 7 to memorize the upper limit
frequency in preset U. “U” (“Upper limit”) comes
after preset L.
Select the same frequency step and detection mode as
you did for the lower limit frequency.
*You can specify either
frequency first.
you have selected a different frequency step or detection mode
for the upper and lower limits, the one(s) memorized
later will
take precedence.
*The delay setting is
not saved for preset channel L or U.