EDS-2 Settings
EDS-2 Settings
The following details all of the settings you can make for EDS-2. For
communications protocol settings (Banks A and B), the matching settings you
have to make in your MS-DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Switch 1: Data Length
Specifies the number of bits that the computer transmits as one byte. This setting
is normally 8.
Switch 2: Parity Check
This switch specifies whether or not a parity check should be performed on the
Switch 3: Parity
This switch specifies the parity as non, odd, or even.
Data Length SW1 DOS Setting
8 bits ON 8
7 bits OFF 7
Parity Check SW2 DOS Setting
Disabled ON Disabled
Enabled OFF Enabled
Parity SW3 DOS Setting
Odd ON O
Even OFF E