Star Micronics NB-15 Printer User Manual

Chapter 4
Controlling with BASIC
Some basics about BASIC
First steps
Establishing communications
The CHR$ function
Control codes
The escape codes
A note on command syntax
Some problem codes
Chapter 5
Printing Text
Some special kinds of text
Letter Quality characters
Characters in the Font Cartridge
Underlines and overlines
Boldface printing
Superscripts and subscripts
Changing the print pitch
Expanded print
Condensed print
Proportional printing
Mixing print modes
Chapter 6
Formatting Text
Lines and line spacing
Starting a new line
Changing the line spacing
Moving down the page without a carriage
Page control
Form feed
Changing the page length
Bottom margin
Setting left and right margins
Horizontal and vertical tabs
Horizontal tabs
One-time horizontal tabs
Vertical tabs
Vertical tab channels