Star Micronics NX-10 Printer User Manual

Add one more line to the program to demonstrate one more
feature of vertical tabs.
Now when you run the program the first page looks just like
before, but line 80 sends one more <VT> than there are tabs.
This doesn’t confuse your printer - it advances the paper to the
next tab position which happens to be the first tab position on
the next page. That’s nice, isn’t it?
Table 4-9
Vertical tab commands
Advance paper to next tab posi-
n Vertical tab channels
Vertical tab channels are especially helpful in two situations.
The first occurs when you are writing a program to accompany
a preprinted form that can accommodate various types of
responces. The second occurs when you create a multipage
form or report with different vertical tabs on each page.
Table 4-10
Vertical tab channel commands
Control code
Set vertical tabs at nl, n2, etc.
(ESC)“b”CHR$(nO) CHR$W)
as channel n0
Select vertical channel n0
You can store up to eight channels of tab stops. They are
numbered from 0 to 7. If you have already stored a set using
(ESC)“B” command, your printer has labelled it as channel 0.
Try this program how to see the vertical tab channels work.