14 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
▼ To set up the SMP/E environment and install the software:
1. Customize the installation jobs.
You can do this manually with an editor, but it is recommended that you use the
provided ISPF edit macro
@SKUEDIT and @SKURUN REXX exec for automated updates of
an individual member or all members.
Before use, first copy these two members to a library in your
SYSPROC concatenation,
then change the job settings in @SKUEDIT to the appropriate settings for the site. Then
to update a member just invoke
@SKUEDIT within the member or to change all members,
from TSO or ISPF Option 6, enter:
@SKURUN smpejcl_dataset_name @SKUEDIT
@SKUEDIT contains information describing its use.
2. Build the SMP/E database.
Run the following customized members:
■ C1CSIBLD - Allocate and initialize the SMP/E data sets.
■ C2ZONES - Define and update each zone.
■ C3DDDEFS - Define the required DDDEFs for each zone.
This job may end with return code 4.
SMP/E warning code of GIM27701W is normal and expected for new SMP/E
environments where there is no definition yet defined. The SMP/E Replace command
will be changed to an Add command automatically.
3. Define DDDEFs and allocate the target and distribution data sets.
Run the following customized members:
■ I1DDDEFS - Define the DDDEFs.
This job may end with return code 4.
SMP/E warning code of GIM27701W is normal and expected for new SMP/E
environments where there is no definition yet defined. The SMP/E Replace
command will be changed to an Add command automatically.
■ I2ALLOC - Allocate the HTTPD target and distribution data sets.
Do not run this job if you already have the HTTPD server installed (e.g., as part of
the ExPR GUI).
■ I3ALLOC - Allocate VSM GUI Web content target and distribution data sets.
4. Run the following as required for your installation media:
■ TAPE ONLY: Run customized member I4RCV to RECEIVE the HTTPD, SAS/C and
Modify this job to exclude the SSKY500 and ASAR700 FMIDs if you already have the
HTTPD server and SAS/C run time received in your SMP/E environment.
■ CD-ROM ONLY: Run customized member NETVGUI to RECIEVE from a network-
mounted CD-ROM the HTTPD, SAS/C, required PTFs for HTTPD and SAS/C and
Modify this job to exclude the SSKY500 and ASAR700 FMIDs if you already have the
HTTPD server and SAS/C run time received in your SMP/E environment.
Modify this job to exclude the PTFs already applied in your SMP/E environment.