312651601 • Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 23
cgionly yes|no
Only allow CGI processing, default is no. Caution that this parameter MUST NOT be
set to yes if using any GUI application as it will disable the GUI.
closetimeout period
Sets the request timeout (in seconds) on a client connection. The allowed range is 5
to 60 seconds, default is 30 seconds.
Cookieexpires time
Specifies the period after which browser cookies expire.
dirlists yes|no
Enables generation of virtual directory listings, default is yes.
deny xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx / mm
Specifies the ip address range forbidden to connect to the server. Syntax as for
execcgi yes|no
Specifies if CGI functions can run and should be left as yes. Defaults to yes.
expiry period
Specifies the default static content expiry period in seconds. Default is 21600 (six
home “url-string”
Specifies the default home page for the server and is relative to the document root.
For example:
home “/vsm/en/home/index.html”
interface address
For multihomed hosts, specifies the IP address of the network interface on which the
server is to listen.
Keepalive yes|no
Enable persistent connections. Default is yes.
keepalivetimeout period
Sets the inactivity timeout (in seconds) on a persistent client connection. The allowed
range is 15 to 300 seconds. Default is 300 seconds.
linger period
Sets the socket timeout (in seconds) on close before it is available for reuse. It can
tuned to improve socket availability at high transaction rates but setting too low can
cause connections to be disconnected before all data is delivered to the client. The
default is the installation TCP/IP default.