30 VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
Service Tape Contents
Table 4-1 lists the file names contained in a service tape.
Unload the SMP/E JCL Data Set from the
Service Tape
The service tape SMP/E JCL Data Set contains sample JCL members for the installation
process; see “Service Tape Contents” on page 30 for more information. Use the JCL in
FIGURE 4-1 to create a copy of the SMP/E JCL from file 3 of the distribution tape to help
install the service tape contents. Obtain the actual volume serial “VT
yynn” of the tape
from the tape cartridge external label and make other modifications as necessary.
TABLE 4-1 File Names for VSM GUI Service Tapes
File Number Data Set Name Description
1 SMPPTFIN Corrective Service PTFs.
For a PUT, these are the PTFs for the current PUT level.
2 PTFLIST List of Corrective Service PTFs contained on file 1
3 SMPEJCL Service Tape Installation JCL (Optional)
4 SMPHOLD SMP/E external hold statements
7 PUTCUM Cumulative Service PTFs.
For a PUT, these are all of the PTFs for all the PUTs that have been
released. This includes those PTFs in file 1.